Russian Willow herb Green Tea IVAN TEA with FLOWERS FIREWEED | Blooming sally
Global motion
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Русский иван чай из травы ивы зеленый с цветами / Blooming sally
Особенности чая
- Без кофеина
- Строит иммунитет
- Улучшать настроение
- Предотвратить кариес
- Улучшает концентрацию внимания
- Способствует расслаблению
- Улучшает энергетические уровни
- Усиливает кровообращение
- Детоксицирует организм
- Баланс пищеварительного здоровья
- Нормализует артериальное давление
Информация о доставке:
- Номера тракта
- Доставка по всему миру
- Бесплатная доставка
- Доставка в США 16-20 дней
- Доставка в Европу 17-25 дней
- Доставка до Канады 15 -27 дней
Технические характеристики:
- Чай веса: 80g / 2.82 oz
Как приготовить чай:
- 2 чайные ложки сухого травяного напитка залейте 500 мл кипяченой воды (лучше всего использовать натуральную или очищенную воду). Емкость плотно закрывают и оставляют тянуться в течение 10-15 минут, после чего перемешивают.
- заваренный чай содержит эфирные масла, поэтому напиток не портится в течение нескольких дней, но лучше всего использовать его свежеприготовленный. Концентрация во многом зависит от ваших вкусовых предпочтений..
Включенный Пакет:
1 x русский ивовый травяной зеленый чай иван-чай с цветами FIREWEED | цветущая Салли в бумажном пакете
Важная информация
Short info:
- Russian Ivan-tea is a traditional tea for Russia, where it is also called Ivan-Chai and has been known for more than 7 centuries!
- At the time of the Czars, Ivan Tea was exported to the rest of Europe. It was Russia’s second highest export at its peak of popularity, second only to wheat. In the mid-1800s trade with England was disrupted by the Crimean and Napoleonic wars. Commercial production of Ivan Chai stopped entirely after the October Revolution of 1917. However, fireweed continued to be used as an herbal supplement in Russian home
- To make Ivan tea fireweed leaves are bruised and fermented, in the same way that black tea is fermented, through an aerobic process. After 2 or 3 days the fermentation is stopped with heat. And the tea leaves are dried.
- Tea fermentation is an aerobic enzymatic process rather than being dependent on microbes. It is the same oxidative process that causes apples to turn brown and avocadoes to darken. It changes both the flavor of the leaf and the color. The polyphenols in the tea leaves are transformed by polyphenol oxidases to turn the leaves brown to black, and change the flavor profile and aroma of the tea. The fermentation process removes the acidic, freshly cut grass aroma, replacing it with a floral, fruity fragrance that is pleasant and flavorful. This enzymatic oxidization and fermentation alters the mouth feel of the tea, as well, softening its astringency and bitterness, while improving the aftertaste.
- The popularity of Russian Ivan-Tea grows all over the world.
5 main facts, why you should buy tea from us.
- We are a small family company. Tea is not just a commodity, it is a part of our culture and soul.
- In production, tea does not come into contact with metal surfaces. This is very important for its fermentation.
- We set the price ourselves. With us you can agree on the price of large and medium orders.
- We collect and produce tea in ecologically clean places.
- We work honestly and do not bring problems to our customers. The buyer is for at the most important.
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Specification: Russian Willow herb Green Tea IVAN TEA with FLOWERS FIREWEED | Blooming sally
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- Store Name: Global motion
- Vendor: Global motion
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